October 04, 2007


we are still in the hospital so this is going to be very short until we get home. bean is here! we named him cole. he was born at 10:02 am on 10-03-07. he weighed 8lbs 10oz and measured 21" long. he scored perfect on all of his tests they gave him when born. he's nothing less than amazing. i can not get enough of him! here are some pictures to hold you over. i look rough because they were taken my grandpa dean RIGHT after surgery.


AndreAnna said...

So excited for you!!! Welcome to mommyhood - it's awesome and exhausting, but oh, so wonderful!!

sara said...

There is nothing in the world that compares to the first moment you see that baby. It is something that will always bring tears to my eyes when I think of it, even when they are being brats it can still soften my heart for a second. If you haven't already done so take a second to play John Lennon's Beautiful Boy and really listen to the words. I still sing it to Sammy and still remember that feeling when I first did every time I hear it. I love you and am so happy for the three of you that everything went well and your family is now complete!

Laurie said...

He is absolutely gorgeous!! So happy for you both!! I'll be in touch!!

Jas said...

HE IS SO CUTE! OMG he is the cutest thing...Congrats. Miss you

Anonymous said...

He is soooo handsome! I am so excited for you guys. Keith Lester, your former student, and I have been eagerly awaiting this day! Stay in touch.

Amy said...

he's so cute... weird thinking of dad as grandpa dean... yay!! i love all 3 of u!