November 08, 2007


this morning cole woke up with a rash on his arms and legs, so i took him in to see the doctor. our little man is ok. they said the rash was still part of the newborn rash, which is just thier skin adjusting to the air after being in the water for so long. they also told me i could give him more medicine to help out with his gas. apparently i wasn't giving it to him enough so now i need to try giving it to him each time before he eats. cole is`definately growing! he's now up to 10.5 lbs. this is cole after his doctor visit...


AndreAnna said...

Don't worry about being overprotective. You did the right thing. Glad it was nothing major!

And yes, the gas drops are not absorbed by the body - they just bind to the gas and help them pass it easier and without pain, so you can give it often. I gave Charlotte hers right before every bottle.

brie said...

i was worried i would over due it so we were only using them about twice a day. silly me!

Unknown said...

omg soo many things i didnt knwo about babies! gees i dont know if i really will ever be ready!