July 17, 2008

water play day

today the moms group came over for a water play day. cole had a blast using the water table. he was so happy to be standing on his own and splashing in the water all at the same time. we are taking more swim lessons and he has been really improving. i never really thought i'd see much, but i was wrong. when i put a ball in front of him he uses his arms in the water to get to it, like the doggie paddle. he also loves the little slide they have set up for the babies. the first couple of times i had to put him at the top and glide him down, but now i put him at the top and he rocks his body so that he can get himself sliding without my help!

1 comment:

Tavia said...

It's great that he loves the water and the pool! Are you guys going to be making it down for the pool party on Saturday?